
Little-Known Facts About World Leaders

George Washington Pointing Downward

Many facts about the personal and professional lives of world leaders are well-known by the public, but many people might be surprised to learn some of the more obscure details about these notable heads of state. Some of these little-known facts are remarkable while others are rather strange and even humorous, and discovering these details can make some of these world leaders seem more human.

These little-known facts about world leaders will likely boggle your mind.

Justin Trudeau Held Some Adventurous Jobs

Before becoming Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau held a series of jobs that many people would consider unconventional. Trudeau is an experienced snowboarder and once earned money by giving lessons to teens. In the 90s, Trudeau worked as a nightclub bouncer at the Rogue Wolf (which was shut down because of illegal activities). A bungee jumping coach is another position on his resume that many people would be shocked to know that he once held.

Vladimir Putin Has Close Ties to the Jewish Community

Despite being a former KGB officer for the Soviet Union (which had a history of widespread anti-Semitism and religious persecution in general), Vladimir Putin has had a favorable relationship with Russia’s Jews from an early age. Even though some of Putin’s policies have been characterized as targeting members of the LGBTQ community, Jehovah’s Witnesses and other minority groups, Putin has remained supportive of the Jewish community and is even known to participate in public menorah lightings and other Jewish celebrations. Putin developed close friendships with Jews as a child and first visited Israel at the age of 14.

Donald Trump Fought in a Pro Wrestling Match

One of the most controversial people to ever hold the office of U.S. President participated in a pro wrestling match nearly a decade before he was elected. The match took place in 2007 as part of WWE’s WrestleMania 23. He was tasked with fighting Vince McMahon in a match dubbed “The Battle of the Billionaires” with help from his partner Bobby Lashley. Trump won the match and celebrated by shaving the head of McMahon in the wrestling ring.

Margaret Thatcher Allegedly Invented Soft-Serve Ice Cream

Although some dispute this fact, many people have credited the former British Prime Minister and “Iron Lady” with inventing one of the most popular summertime treats. It is said that Margaret Thatcher used her chemistry knowledge after earning a degree from Oxford and taking a job as a researcher at the J. Lyons and Co. food business to make the world’s first soft-serve ice cream. The creation came from finding an innovative way to whip more air into ice cream that was then pumped through a machine.  

Joseph Stalin Had Some Unusual Physical Features

The Soviet Union’s “Man of Steel” and former tyrannical ruler had some unusual physical features that seemed to belie his formidable status. Some reports list his height at 5’4″, which is considered relatively short for a man who was dubbed a war hero and whose policies caused such fear and oppression among the Soviet people. Stalin also reportedly had webbed toes and one arm that was shorter than the other. His left arm was impaired further by a case of childhood smallpox, which also left him with severe pockmarks on his face that were often covered with makeup.   

Adolf Hitler was a Vegetarian

One of history’s cruelest dictators had a fondness of animals and mostly refrained from eating meat (although he still reportedly ate the occasional meat dish). According to Hitler’s beliefs, eating meat contributed to society’s decline, and vegetarianism could help revitalize the world. While overseeing his deadly regime, the Nazi leader also passed animal protection measures that included regulations for animal slaughter and prohibited the use of animals in filmmaking. Even though he maintained a mostly vegetarian diet, Hitler still had a sweet tooth and ate chocolate often.  

Kim Jong-un’s Haircut is Considered Sacred

The unique haircut of North Korea’s Supreme Leader is often the subject of ridicule in international media, but Kim Jong-un’s hairstyle is considered sacred among North Korean citizens. It is believed that he chose the particular hairstyle to resemble his grandfather Kim Il-sung, who was North Korea’s first leader. Male university students were once encouraged to get the haircut until it was deemed as being too sacred for the common man. If North Korean men want a haircut, they must choose from fifteen government-approved styles (none of which resemble Kim Jong-un’s hairdo).

Nelson Mandela Often Wore Disguises

Before being named President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela often faced arrest for his political activities and stances against apartheid. In his attempts to avoid arrest, he often wore disguises to keep from being recognized. Mandela was known to dress as a chauffeur, chef and gardener to try to trick authorities. Mazzawati tea glasses were also worn as eyeglasses to help conceal his appearance. While wearing his chauffeur disguise in 1962, Mandela was unfortunately recognized and arrested, which led to his imprisonment for 27 years.  

Napoleon Bonaparte Likely Wasn’t so Short

Many people think the famous military leader and former Emperor of France was a short man, but he likely was of average height for men of his time. His real height is believed to be around 5’5″ or 5’6″, but he is sometimes described as being as short as 5’2″. Rumors of Napoleon’s short stature were likely started by James Gillray, an English cartoonist who often drew caricatures of Napoleon that depicted him as short. What added to the legend is the fact that Napoleon was often referred to as Le Petit Corporal (or “The Little Corporal”), which was a term that was actually intended to refer to Napoleon in an affectionate way rather than describe his height.  

George Washington Escaped Death Many Times

The first U.S. President escaped death throughout many points of his life in addition to surviving through the American Revolution. He managed to survive smallpox, diphtheria and malaria in his lifetime, which was particularly incredible because of the lack of treatments at the time for these illnesses. Even tuberculosis wasn’t strong enough to kill him. He also miraculously survived the burning and massacre at Fort Necessity and dodged multiple gunshots while in battle. What likely eventually took Washington’s life was a throat infection that would be curable with today’s antibiotics.


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