When you think of getting a household pet, a cat or dog likely first comes to mind. Perhaps you’ve even thought about getting a bird, hamster or Guinea pig. Well, you may be surprised to learn that some animals that aren’t commonly thought of as pets can actually make great household pets, and getting one of these animals could be an excellent addition to your home. Before you get an unusual pet, however, you’ll want to check with your local laws to make sure that you can legally own the animal.
Any of these unusual pets might be the right fit for you.

If you’re a fan of Sonic, you’ll love owning your very own hedgehog. These charming creatures resemble smaller porcupines with their pointed spines, but hedgehogs are known to be friendly and often become affectionate with their owners. You may notice that your hedgehog rolls into a ball sometimes, but this is a natural self-defense mechanism that hedgehogs use when they feel threatened. You can order hedgehog food online or at a pet store, and you can also try feeding your hedgehog some fruit, insects and eggs. One possible drawback is that hedgehogs are usually more active at night, and owning one might not be the best choice if you’re not a night owl.
Bearded Dragon Lizard

Despite their rather ominous name and physical appearance, bearded dragon lizards are among the gentlest creatures in the reptile kingdom and are usually easy to care for as household pets. You’ll want to have a sizeable aquarium to house your bearded dragon lizard. These animals are known to enjoy being handled frequently by humans (including children) along with getting mist showers. You’ll want to feed your bearded dragon lizard an omnivorous diet that includes plenty of non-acidic fruits, vegetables and insects.

More exotic than your average housecat, these larger felines are indigenous to Africa and resemble a cross between a cat, leopard and dog. Unlike many other types of wild exotic cats, most servals aren’t aggressive but still require a different type of care than what you’d give a housecat. If you live in the U.S., you’ll want to make sure that you reside in a state that allows you to own a serval before you try getting one as a pet. Your serval won’t do well eating just regular cat food and will instead need a diet of raw fish, chicken and other meats along with fruits and calcium-rich foods to remain healthy.

A skunk is probably one of the last animals that you think of as an ideal household pet, but these critters can be great for homes if the proper care is taken. You’ll want to have your skunk de-scented for your own sake as well as to comply with local laws that exist in most places. Skunks usually do best outdoors because of their propensity for digging, so having a spacious fenced-in yard will be ideal. Skunks are also known to have poor eyesight and senses of direction, so you’ll also want to keep a close eye on your skunk outdoors so that they don’t accidentally wander off your property. Feeding a skunk dog or cat food can be dangerous to their health, and a diet of eggs and insects is better. Your skunk will also likely feast on larvae, grasses and mice in your yard.
Muntjac Deer

These smaller deer species are similar to large cats in size when fully grown and can be kept both indoors and outdoors. Muntjac deer are also known for their high energy and playfulness. If you choose to keep a muntjac deer inside your home, you’ll want to have carpeted floors with ample cushioning to prevent damage from their hooves when they walk and play. Male muntjac deer grow small stubby antlers instead of the big, ominous-looking ones that you find on other deer species. The muntjac deer’s diet consists largely of fresh tree shoots, leaves, nuts and berries.
Pygmy Goat

You can get your goat (in a good way) by purchasing one of these pets. Pigmy goats are known for their fun and active personalities but also enjoy a lot of attention and don’t like to feel lonely. You’ll want to keep your goat in a spacious yard that has a secure fence or another type of barrier to prevent your pet from going beyond your property boundaries. Pigmy goats can also be noisy and high-maintenance at times, so patience on your part will be a necessity. To give your pygmy goat the proper nutrition that’s needed for optimal health, you’ll want to feed it plenty of edible plant matter, such as grass, shrubs and leaves.
Short-tailed Opossum

Smaller than the American opossum that’s typically seen in the wild, the short-tailed opossum can be a great pet because of its generally friendly and curious nature and easy care requirements. Short-tailed opossums are distinguished by their large ears and hygienic habits. Short-tailed opossums are also known to fight with others of their kind, so it’s best to own only one of these animals. They can usually be housed well in aquariums that are spacious enough to hold at least 20 gallons and have enough ventilation. The aquarium should also include nesting material and branches for climbing and perching. Short-tailed opossums often like to eat mealworms, crickets and fresh fruit, but you can also try giving your pet some cat food or commercially produced food that’s made specifically for them.