Conspiracy theories have continued to flourish throughout the ages. Some people believe that certain individuals or organizations are responsible for many occurrences in the world that have led to tragedies, widespread oppression or otherwise strange phenomena. Even though many of these conspiracy theories have been proven to be false, some people still believe that certain theories are in fact true and can explain many of the world’s events.
Here are some of the most bizarre conspiracy theories. Some of which are admittedly completely far-fetched, but a few just might be true.

Often described as a far-right conspiracy theory, QAnon involves the belief that members of the Illuminati are working to oppose U.S. President Donald Trump. Believers of QAnon also allege that the anti-Trump group is made up largely of pedophiles who kidnap children to add to their child sex-trafficking ring. A-list celebrities have even been named as being possible members of the subversive group, but these claims remain unproven. An online video entitled “ADRENOCHROME — Those Who Know Cannot Sleep” was made to explain more about QAnon and to try to give the conspiracy theory more credibility, but the video has often been criticized for being nonfactual.
Marylin Monroe was Killed by the CIA

Hollywood film star Marylin Monroe was found dead in her bedroom on the morning of August 5, 1962. Her death was ruled a suicide by barbiturate overdose, but some people continue to believe that Monroe was secretly killed by the CIA. Believers in the conspiracy theory allege that U.S. President John F. Kennedy, with whom Monroe was having an affair, disclosed top-secret information to her and that the CIA murdered her to keep the information from being leaked to the public. Detectives have been unable to find any conclusive evidence of foul play.
Adolf Hitler Escaped to Argentina

Most mainstream historians agree that Adolf Hitler and wife Eva Braun committed suicide shortly before Soviet forces reached his bunker in 1945, but other people argue that Hitler and Braun escaped to Argentina. Conspiracy theorists allege that the Soviet Union invented the story of Hitler’s suicide to avoid humiliation and bolster their claim of defeating one of the world’s most dangerous leaders. Some believers in the conspiracy theory even claim that the charred remains of Hitler and Braun were those of other people who were used to try to fool the Soviets. There are also unsubstantiated reports and unverified photos showing Hitler living comfortably in Argentina for another 30 years until his death in 1965.
9/11 was an Inside Job

The tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001, that caused the collapse of the World Trade Center towers in New York City has been proven to be the work of terrorists, but some people still believe that the U.S. government was actually behind the attack. A movement of conspiracy theorists known as 9/11 Truth promotes the idea that the U.S. government staged the event to justify wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. There are also conspiracy theorists who believe that remote controls were used to fly the airplanes into the twin towers instead of hijackers. Furthermore, 9/11 skeptics have posited that the towers collapsed because of explosives that were planted inside the buildings and not because of the airplanes colliding with them. Survivors of the tragedy along with family members of victims who were killed in the attack have shunned many of the conspiracy theories and believe that the unprovable scenarios are disrespectful to victims of the tragedy.
Princess Diana was Murdered

Shortly after midnight on August 31, 1997, Princess Diana was killed in a high-speed car crash while riding as a passenger in a chauffeur-driven vehicle. Most people accept the fact that the vehicle in which she was traveling crashed by accident as it was speeding through a tunnel in Paris to try to escape the paparazzi. The paparazzi were in pursuit of the vehicle to try to capture images of the princess as she rode inside with Dodi Fayed, her on-again, off-again boyfriend. However, some conspiracy theorists believe that the princess was killed intentionally by the Royal Family or the MI6 (the British secret service). Some believe that Prince Charles wanted her dead so that he could marry Camilla Parker Bowles, his long-time mistress, without bringing shame to the Royal Family.
The New World Order

Some conspiracy theorists believe that a secret plan is in the process of being launched to usher in a New World Order and bring about a totalitarian globalist government. The totalitarian government will supposedly consist of a few wealthy elites who will use their power to force all other citizens of the world to submit to their ideologies. Some people also believe that a Judeo-Masonic conspiracy is being planned to bring about the New World Order and overthrow all world governments and seize control of the banks, but this idea is usually dismissed as anti-Semitic rhetoric. Some followers of the New World Order conspiracy theory also believe that left-wing movements will cause mass chaos across the U.S. to help usher in the New World Order, and this unrest will lead to a civil war.
Barack Obama Went on Secret Missions to Mars

Arguably one of the strangest conspiracy theories, some people have proposed the idea that former U.S. President Barack Obama was sent on secret missions to Mars in his youth. The CIA purportedly planned the missions to learn more about the Red Planet and sent him there twice. Andrew S. Basiago and William Stillings claim to have also been part of the missions and accompanied a young Obama on his quest. An even odder fact about the conspiracy theory is that the men were supposedly teleported to Mars instead of flying in a spaceship. The conspiracy theory prompted the White House to release a statement that officially denied Obama’s participation in any missions to Mars.