According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), Over 300,000 people drive drunk each day, but less that 1% are arrested for it.

Another figure from 2010 states 57% of all fatally injured drivers had drugs or alcohol in their system. 17% had both. I don’t know about you, but these are staggering statistics. Enjoy drinks with friends, but please grab a taxi or a ride share. We want you around a while longer.
There’s a 49% chance your TV remote is lost somewhere inside your couch.

Logitech, the remote control manufacturer, worked out the math in a survey of remote control users. 8% found it in the bathroom, 8% in a dresser drawer, 4% in the fridge/freezer, 2% have found the remote outside.
OK, back up a second. How does the remote end up in the freezer?
Over 25% of middle and high school students smoke e-cigarettes.

According to the CDC, in 2018, 4.9% of Middle school students and 20.8% of high school students in the last 30 days.
A whopping 9% of Americans said baseball is there favorite sport to watch.

That’s according to a Gallop poll back in 2018. Baseball has been falling in popularity in favor of other sports. Soccer is slowly gaining popularity in America, and football has been the reigning champ since 1972.
According to Cisco, about 90% of all email sent is spam.

The report issued by Cisco says that’s about 200 billion junk emails a day. Over 17 percent of which originate in the United States.
45% of American believe in ghosts and demons.

According to the data site YouGov, 45% of Americans polled believe ghosts and demons exist. Only 13% believe in vampires.
11,800 people are injured from falling TVs each year.

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) there are nearly 12,000 injuries caused by falling TVs. That’s just in America! Thankfully, between 2000-2015 there were only 315 fatalities as a result.
1 in 4 Americans think the sun revolves around the Earth

According to a report by the National Science Foundation, Of the 2,200 people surveyed in the United States, 25% believed the sun revolved around the Earth. I know we like to think we’re the center of everything, but lets be real here.
6,000 dogs are registered to come to work with Amazon Employees

In a recent blog post, Amazon explained how dog-friendly their facility is. From buckets of dog treats to fake fire hydrants, I think it’s safe to say Amazon is a pet friendly place to work.
Mothers in Denmark are the hardest working mothers in the world.

According to a recent statistic, Denmark has a higher percentage of mothers working than any other developed nation. 82% to be exact.
Every day, 1,700 People in America Are Becoming Millionaires

According to Fortune Magazine, 1700 American reach 7 figures daily. The United States has the most millionaires by far than any other nation at almost 20,000,000 . China follows at number 2 with almost 5,000,000 millionaires.
We produce up to 1 and a half liters of saliva daily

According to a medical journal, the normal daily production of saliva is between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. In January, you could have produced almost 50 liters of the stuff.
Male circumcision can reduce your chances of contracting HIV through sex by 60%

According to the World Health Organisation as well as various medical journals, the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in circumcised men is reduced by approximately 60%. There have been decades old campaigns promoting circumcision in the most HIV stricken nations. For the first time ever, Sub-Saharan Africa is showing a the biggest decline in new HIV infection than anywhere in the world. Malawi has a 73% drop in new HIV infections.
* It’s important to note that circumcision in men doesn’t reduce transmission to a female partner from an infected male partner.
Dragonflies are arguably the deadliest hunters on the planet.

According to the BBC, a Harvard study discovered dragonflies kill up to 95% of the prey they chase, making them the deadliest hunters on the planet. This is probably due to the insects brain being able to predict where the prey is going.